Now calling ourselves the Alphabet Baroque Club.
We have a series of concerts this spring which we call Time Warp…….going back in time to play music as old as that of the 15th century. The players? As in our last Nursery Concert: Phebe Craig, harpsichord; Maria Caswell, violin; Judiyaba, treble viol; Gwyneth Davis, viola da gamba (bass viol).
No cellos this time as we have to get ourselves and our instruments to Ireland inMay!
The dates!
February 23 was our 4th annual concert at Grow Gardens Nursery
March 2, 2pm, at Trinity Church in Trinidad, Ca. (this is a benefit for the historical church repair fund.)
May 10, 4pm, Music at Pepperwood. Santa Rosa, Ca.
May 17, matinee, Galway Early Music Festival, Ireland!
Hope to see you at one of these…and was very pleased to see all of you who crowded in at the Nursery last Monday!