The oldest piece on our program is by Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guarre, who was born in 1664. The piece is for 2 cellos and keyboard, in this case organ. And the most recent composition is being refined as you read this, a cello duet by Sonoma composer Warner Jepson, who will be at the concert! (We will also have older compositions of his on the program)
Scott Joplin I think you know..... Paul Juon has been a wonderful newcomer to our repertoire list. We played the Four Miniatures for clarinet, cello and piano a few years ago and are delighted to have an excuse to bring it back. Gordon Jacob, a 20th century English composer will be represented by a solo clarinet piece. Janacek is perhaps better known and we will play Pohadka for cello and piano. And what is an alphabet concert without a transcription? The 2 cellists will steal a bassoon duet by Jancourt.
Performers this month are: Marilyn Thompson, piano; Roy Zajac, clarinet; Judiyaba, cello and a return visit (remember "E"?) of the Eloquence String Quartet; Peggy Brady, Rachelle Davis, Beth Heid and Gwyneth Davis.