Friday, October 22, 2010

Just a "J" note....

Trinity Episcopal Church is at 275 East Spain, Sonoma, just 2 blocks off the Town Square.
It is a lovely small wood lined church and in front they have a labyrinth walk set in redwood trees. It would be worth it to come a bit early to stroll there. Or at 4;30 there will be a guided labyrinth walk.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A jolly jumble......

The October concert encompasses work from the 17th century to, well, yesterday!
The oldest piece on our program is by Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guarre, who was born in 1664. The piece is for 2 cellos and keyboard, in this case organ. And the most recent composition is being refined as you read this, a cello duet by Sonoma composer Warner Jepson, who will be at the concert! (We will also have older compositions of his on the program)
Scott Joplin I think you know..... Paul Juon has been a wonderful newcomer to our repertoire list. We played the Four Miniatures for clarinet, cello and piano a few years ago and are delighted to have an excuse to bring it back. Gordon Jacob, a 20th century English composer will be represented by a solo clarinet piece. Janacek is perhaps better known and we will play Pohadka for cello and piano. And what is an alphabet concert without a transcription? The 2 cellists will steal a bassoon duet by Jancourt.

Performers this month are: Marilyn Thompson, piano; Roy Zajac, clarinet; Judiyaba, cello and a return visit (remember "E"?) of the Eloquence String Quartet; Peggy Brady, Rachelle Davis, Beth Heid and Gwyneth Davis.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"I" Photos

After the Ives Piano Trio; performed by Mariko Smiley, Marilyn Thompson, Judiyaba and the A-Zed audience!

Sophia Hall

Charlie Lucke photos

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kudos to the audience!

It's not every chamber music audience that can sing Rock of Ages and the same time! It was a good spirited group that was willing to try to do a little bit of what Charles Ives does in the Piano Trio, which we then played.
Thanks for entering the spirit of the piece!