Tuesday, April 27, 2010

about the "E" concert

Live composers are featured on the "E" concert!
San Francisco composer and bass player Shinji Eshima has written a very moving piece for bassoon, string quartet and optional buddhist monk. It's called Krapp's Endgame and refers to a Samuel Beckett play: Krapp's Last Tape, but also references an Allen Ginsberg's poem: Song.
It's a great poem. The beginning is:

The weight of the world
is love.
Under the burden
of solitude,
under the burden
of dissatisfaction

the weight,
The weight we carry
is love.

The players for this are; Greg Barber, bassoon, Peggy Brady and Rachelle David, violins, Beth Heid, viola and Judiyaba, cello.

Shinji also wrote a piece for Judiyaba and Gwyneth Davis called the Judiyabadabaduo, which we will play.